The unnecessary letters from clues were to be entered, in order, in the central 5x7 rectangle to give all new words. Finally, the letters of THIS PLAN had to be further changed to create eight new words and reveal the phrase “great minds think alike”.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Extra letter | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | mea(N)t | GAME BAG | GAME + BAG |
7 | (P)act | SCAB | SCARAB − AR |
10 | m(E)an | FRIDAY | (D after I) in FRAY |
13 | (A)mounts | FORAGE | OF < + RAGE |
14 | (T)his | IDES | I + (pierce)D + (Ca)ES(ar) |
15 | (A)back | LATERAL | COLLATERAL − COL |
16 | (S)low | VERGES | AVERAGES − all occurrences of A |
18 | colo(U)ration | IKAT | TAKI < (foxy = reddish brown) |
20 | inebriate(D) | FULLING | (rue)FUL LING(uist) |
22 | Do(O)n | ROON | (T)ROON |
24 | (S)mouldered | ASHIER | A + SHIER |
26 | tatt(I)er | RENDING | (tailo)R + ENDING |
29 | are(N)as | BARE | (Nami)B ARE(nas) |
30 | (D)one | ALKENE | KEN in ALE |
31 | (S)tripping | SIN BIN | (SING, BING) − all occurrences of G |
32 | l(A)ying | DESK | (du)DE’S K(eyboard) |
33 | gra(N)de | RANKING | RAN + KING |
Down | |||
2 | lat(T)er | ART DECO | (RED COAT) * |
3 | ch(E)at | MIXER | 2 meanings |
4 | th(E) | EDHS | SHED * |
5 | s(T)eam | BALL | B + ALL |
6 | c(H)ords | GLOTTIS | (L + OTT) in GI’S |
7 | fa(I)r | SEREIN | SERE + IN |
8 | tree(N) | CHARK | CH + ARK |
9 | sea(L) | ALGA | A + LG + A |
11 | (T)roll | WELTERED | WELT + DEER * |
12 | h(A)unting | RIVER-RAT | R + I’ + ERR in VAT |
17 | wor(L)d | ELOINER | “ELO in ER” is wordplay for EELOR |
19 | (S)ought | AVERTIN | AVERTIN(g) |
21 | join(T)er’s | UNDECK | SUNDECK − S |
23 | p(A)laces | ONKUS | ONUS around K |
25 | f(L)eet | IAMBI | I AM BI |
27 | wa(I)ter | ELBE | (Heid)ELBE(rg) |
28 | t(H)reat | GRIN | ANYONE with “GR in” makes ANGRY ONE |
29 | ru(I)n | BANK | BLANK − L |