The extra letters from the clues spelt “You can do up to seven. Join each pair of Ks with lines that don't cross.” There were seven Ks in the final grid; as stated, it is impossible to join more than four of them in the required manner if the grid is viewed as a plane. Viewed as a torus, it is possible to join all seven, creating what is known as the “complete graph on seven vertices”, commonly abbreviated as K7.
The Ks can be connected in various ways.
Any solution with all the Ks connected by non-crossing, straight lines
(maintaining their direction when reappearing at the opposite edge of the grid)
was marked correct.
A selection of correct arrangements is shown below;
these may also be reflected in a horizontal or vertical axis.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer | Explanation, with [extra letter] |
Across | ||
2 | RANGOLI | LOG[O] < in RANI |
4 | SPADOES | S[U]P + A + DOES |
6 | UPCLOSE | UP + C + [C] + LOSE |
7 | SAIL ARM | SAI + [A]LARM |
9 | ZAMARRO | ZAMA[N] + (OR + R(osebush)) < |
14 | REPASTS | RESTS around PA[D] |
15 | TWEEDLE | TW[O] + NEEDLE − N |
16 | TOSSIER | O[U]TSIDERS * − D |
17 | PYAEMIC | P + YA[P] + MICE * |
20 | ARRISES | [T]AR + RISES |
23 | RAWHIDE | RIDE around WH[O]A * |
24 | TASSETS | TASS + [S]ETS |
26 | SPIKIER | SKIER around PI[E] |
29 | AGENTED | DE[V]A < around GENT |
31 | REUNITE | RE + UNI + TE[E] |
33 | MADISON | (NOMADS I[N]) * |
34 | GOLIARD | (I + [J]AR) in GOLD |
37 | ESPADAS | (A)ES[O]P + AD + SA < |
40 | AEMULES | A + EMU + L[I]ES |
42 | LIAISES | LI + A[N]ISES |
45 | ARMADAS | (AD + A[A]) in ARMS |
47 | BREASTS | (E[C]B STARS) * |
49 | WAIVODE | WAIVE around DO[H] < |
50 | ABRADES | [P]ARADES around B |
52 | STARETZ | STARE [A]T + Z |
Down | ||
3 | SCARPER | SC[R]APER around R |
5 | OAK TREE | (AKEE RO[O]T) * |
8 | ATTASKT | A + T + TA[F]T around SK |
10 | REISSUE | RE(i)[K]I + S + SUE |
11 | SWERVED | (SWEDE[S] RV) * |
12 | HERDING | HER + D + [W]ING |
13 | POITREL | PO + IT + R[I]EL |
18 | MASHIES | MA[T] (Matilda) + SHIES |
19 | CHIGOES | CHICAGO − CA + [H]E'S |
21 | STADIAL | BAL[L]ADIST * − B(othered) |
22 | TRIMMER | TRIM + MER[I] |
25 | AKRASIA | [N]ARK < in ASIA |
27 | PASSKEY | SPEAK[E]ASY * − A |
28 | JUDAICA | JUD + A + I[S] + CA |
30 | ENSEARS | EN'S + [T]EARS |
32 | MESTIZA | MES[H] + (A + ZIT) < |
35 | OAK MAST | A in OK + MA + S[A]T |
36 | LET DROP | LET[T] + DR + OP |
38 | PYRENES | EN[D] in PYRES |
39 | GAS WELL | G[O] + A + SWELL |
41 | RASTRUM | RA[N] + STRUM |
44 | HEAL-ALL | HEAL + [T]ALL |
46 | VANESSA | (ad)VAN[C]ES SA(ucily) |
47 | BEGORED | ROGE[R] < in BED |
48 | TAIPANS | (A + IN A SP[O]T) * |
51 | DIDAKEI | I after (DID + [S]AKE) |
53 | TROOPED | PTEROPOD[S] * − P |