Rattle by Augeas

Puzzle explanation

Initial letters of extra words in clues spelt “An aristocracy in a republic is ...”, the start of a Nancy Mitford quotation which continues “... like a chicken whose head has been cut off: it may run about in a lively way, but in fact it is dead”. Unclued entries were thus jumbled breeds of chicken, all in Chambers, lacking their first letter, as follows:
Across 4 (A)ndalusian, 13 (C)ochin, 20 (R)hode Island red, 31 (A)ncona, 34 (A)ustralorp;
Down 1 (O)rpington, 4 (D)orking, 5 (P)lymouth Rock, 7 (h)oudan, 17 (w)yandotte, 22 (L)eghorn, 24 (s)ultan.
Ambiguities were to be resolved by entering unchecked letters in alphabetical order. The title was a thematically treated form of “Partlet”.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra word Answer Explanation
1 Appetising GORE OR(an)GE *
11 numinous UNKNOWN Ref. D. Rumsfeld’s “unknown unknowns”
12 awe-inspiring LAVA V&A after LA
14 remaining CLADODES CLOSED * around (A + D)
15 immigrant NACHOS N + A + CHOS(e)
16 sometimes CROWN 2 meanings
18 treatment CRAGGY CRY around (AG + G)
19 omitted RITT RI + TT
23 chalky TINT 2 meanings
26 regarding MAGLEV MAG + L(ocomotive) E(ngineering) V(ehicles)
28 ambulance DMARK DENMARK − EN
29 complementary CHEWET homophone of CHEW IT
30 yachtsmen CATENARY CATE + NARY
32 indicative AKIN A + KIN
35 and EASY (pl)EAS Y(ells)
2 reception OSHAC HAS * in (O + C)
3 eventually ENCHANTMENT (T MANN ECHT + E + N) *; ref. The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
6 pointless DWARF WAR in (D + F)
9 benefit AVESTA A + VESTA
10 like NAS N + AS
21 injured SIFAKA KA after (AS IF) *
25 contraptions GRAIP A in GRIP
27 investigates VENUS 2 meanings
30 squashes CAR 2 meanings
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