The clue initials, latent letters and misprint corrections spelt out “Winter is come and gone but [grief returns] with the [revolving year] — Shelley”, in which the missing phrases are represented by the reversals of 29 down and 35 across respectively.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprint | Answer (latent letter/correction) | Explanation [misprint] |
Across | |||
9 | l(I)ver | SHARK OIL | (H + ARK) in SOIL |
10 | NOMA | NO MA | |
12 | TOMATO | TOM + ATE with O for E | |
14 | HORNI(E)R | (RHINO + (hai)R) * | |
15 | EPIME(R) | PI in (EM + E[M]) | |
17 | TERR(I)COLE | (ERR + C) in TOLE | |
18 | SENSA | S + ENSA | |
20 | (C)rocked | LAMER | LA MER; ref. Charles Trenet song, recorded in English as “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin |
22 | OR E’ER | O + REE + R | |
25 | ANI(M)E | NI[S] in AE | |
26 | T(E)RRINES | ST[I]R * around RINE | |
28 | ENTR(A)NT | (NT + RN) in ET | |
30 | EROSIO(N) | (O + I + SORE) < | |
32 | wee(D) | URTICA | (h)URT I CA(n’t) |
33 | (G)I(G)LET | I + LET | |
34 | OIL PAPER | OILER around (P + AP) | |
35 | TWELVEMO(N)TH | (LOVE TH[E]M + WET) * | |
Down | |||
1 | ESTH | HEST with first letter lowered | |
2 | (B)og | LATRINE | TRI(m) in LANE |
3 | h(A)m | DRONE | R in DONE |
4 | (T)hundered | ROARED | (A + RE) in ROD |
5 | (W)AITERS | STRIAE * | |
6 | INDICAN | C in INDIAN | |
7 | NO(T)UM | NUM around O(rthocaine) | |
8 | HAMMERED | HAM + MERE + D | |
11 | FOS(T)ERING | S in FOREIGN * | |
13 | TELESTIC(H) | STIC(k) after TELE | |
16 | ESOTERIC | SECRETIO(n) * | |
19 | SERRATE | ARRESTE(d) * | |
21 | MISS(H)APE | MISS + A + P(i)E | |
23 | INT(E)RIM | IN TRIM | |
24 | LEETLE | (ELT + EEL) < | |
27 | LOCAL | (O’ + C + A’) in LL | |
29 | TEN(E) | 2 meanings of TEN[T] | |
31 | (Y)OURT | TOUR with first letter at the end |