The grid represents the Glasgow Subway, consisting of a ring of stations on both sides of the Clyde River. Clockwise from the SE corner, the stations (and extra words from clues) are St Enoch (cost/Hen), Bridge Street (Bridget/trees), West Street (We test/rest), Shields Road (shale/sordid), Kinning Park (rank/pink gin), Cessnock (cocks/sen), Ibrox (rib/ox), Govan (go/van), Partick (tap/rick), Kelvinhall (hall/Kelvin), Hillhead (Ill/He had), Kelvinbridge (bred link/Give), St George's Cross (gores/gets cross), Cowcaddens (Cows/danced), Buchanan Street (Etruscan/Theban). Letters in the X cells spelt GLASGOW. Misprints in clues spelt UNDERGROUND CIRCLE.
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Answer | Extra or misprint | Explanation (with corrected word) |
Across | |||
1 | COLLABORATIVE | c(U)rve | (I CARVE BALL TOO) *; (carve) |
10 | KNAVE | Ill | KN + EVA < |
11 | DREAM | dea(N) | REAM after D; (dead) |
12 | GONAD | hall | GOD around NA |
14 | OSAGE | bred link | O + SAGE |
17 | ENEMA | tap | ENEMY with A for the last letter |
18 | VALUE | gores | VAL + (q)U(e)E(n) |
19 | NERO | (D)ome | ONER with first letter moved to the end; (Rome) |
20 | NAOMI | m(E)ss | (I(rate) + MOAN) <; (miss) |
22 | TEAR | Cows | 2 meanings |
23 | HAUTBOY | (R)ipe | HAUT + BOY; (pipe) |
25 | FAERIE | Go | FAE + RIE(n) |
27 | POSEUR | Etruscan | (SO PURE) * |
30 | VERSANT | slan(G) | 2 meanings; (slant) |
33 | GILA | rib | (a)GIL(e) + A |
34 | OHMIC | (R)an | O(live) H(ill) M(an) I(n) C(ircles); (man) |
36 | LYON | cost | (sore)LY ON(e) |
39 | LAIUS | cocks | CAIUS with L for the first letter |
40 | ETUDE | Bridget | DUET * + E(xtra) |
41 | CRYPT | rank | CRY + PT |
42 | LYCEE | We test | CE in ELY * |
43 | MOGUL | p(O)le | 2 meanings; (pile) |
44 | DWEEB | shale | W, E in BED < |
45 | PRISONERS’ BASE | ro(U)t | SON in PRIER’S + BASE; (root) |
Down | |||
1 | COGENT | ma(N)e | C/O + GENT; (male) |
2 | OZONE | rick | ONE after (O’ + Z) |
3 | LINER | Kelvin | LINE + R |
4 | ANDANTINO | Me(D)al | (f)ANDANGO − G around TIN; (metal) |
5 | BAOBAB | He had | AB after (BA’ + OB) |
6 | REALM | Give | REAL + M |
7 | TREATY | gets cross | TREY around AT |
8 | VANUATU | danced | VAN + A’ in (t)UTU |
9 | EMPEROR | Theban | PER in ROME < |
13 | AMOUR | (C)ove | CLAMOUR − CL; (love) |
15 | SHOOT-’EM-UP | s(I)tter | SHOO + (ME in PUT) <; (setter) |
16 | ELEVEN | tea(R) | EN around LEVE; (team) |
21 | ISOSCELES | (C)ot | (CHOICES LESS) * − CH; (not) |
24 | AEOLIC | e(L)ected | (CIA around LOE) <; (erected) |
25 | FOG LAMP | van | MEGAFLOP * − E |
26 | AVIATOR | ox | ROTA < around VIA |
28 | SALTY | rest | SALT + (da)Y |
29 | CAUCUS | sen | CAUS(e) around CU |
31 | RIOTER | sordid | (PIERROT − P) * |
32 | SNEEZE | b(E)ast | homophone of SNEES; (blast) |
35 | HAYDN | pink gin | D(rink) N(ifty) after HAY |
37 | YUCCA | trees | Y(ew) U(nder) C(careful) C(ontrol) A(id) |
38 | ODETS | Hen | ODES around T’ |