Auf Wiedersehen by Loda

Puzzle explanation

The highlighted area represents a camera and contains the quotation, “I am a camera with its shutter open”, from the beginning of Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood, who is represented “initially” as CI by the clashing letters. First letters of the extra words in clues spell “man shaving at the window ... woman in (the) kimono washing her hair”, from the next sentence of the book. The third letters spell the main characters: Sally Bowles, Frau Nowak, Fräulein Schroeder, Natalia, Otto. Letters discarded from answers to double-definition clues spell BERLIN. January 4, 2011 was the 25th anniversary of Isherwood’s death.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra Answer Explanation
1 (M)u(S)t LEXEME L + EX + EME
5 (A)l(A)strim VEGEMITE VITE around (EG + ’EM)
11 (N)u(L)lified ELATED (B)ELATED
14 (S)a(L)t REPINED (IN DEEP + (wate)R) *
16 (H)e(Y)er DRAPERS DR + A + PER
17 (A)m(B)itious CADI (I + DA + C) <
19 (I)n(W)ard MIRIAM M + I(nnocence) + IRA * + M
22 (G)u(E)sts STRAW (spor)T in (S + RAW)
24 (A)s(S)embly ITHACA (w)ITH A CA(liph)
26 (T)o(F)fee RESITS RESIT(E)S
29 (T)u(R)nover SHURA RUSH * + A
32 (H)e(A)rtache SPOTTER REPS < around OTT
35 (E)n(U)nciate PENULT NU in PELT
37 (W)o(N)ders PANDA PANDA(R)
40 (I)n(O)culate OATS ATS after O(urali)
41 (N)e(W)comer OCARINA CAR in O(r)I(e)N(t)A(l)
42 (D)e(A)con SCIATIC S + CIA + TIC
43 (O)r(K)ney STILTS S + TITS around L
44 (W)i(F)eless SEXTETTS TEST * after SEXT
45 (W)a(R)time’s VESSEL ESSE in (V + L(imited))
1 (O)v(A)l LORIMERS (LIME + (ho)RS(es)) around OR
2 (M)a(U)reen ELEGISE ELSE around (EG + I)
3 (A)l(L) ELIXIR ELI + XI + R(ibena)
4 (N)e(E)dlework MANIA AIM < around (A + N)
5 (I)r(I)sh VEDDA V + EDDA
6 (N)i(N)e EDDIC ED + DIC(e)
7 (K)a(S)hmiri GARDAI (ID around A + RAG) <
8 (I)n(C)onsolable MOPE POEM *
9 (M)a(H)onia TARO TA + (f)OR <
10 (O)a(R)sman’s EAST (L)EAST; ref. Sir Alfred East
12 (N)a(O)mi WARMTH WITH with ARM replacing I
13 (O)v(E)rlong REPLA REPLA(y)
15 (W)i(D)ows PART PART(I)
21 (A)m(E)rican TACTICAL TAAL around (CT + I/C)
23 (S)c(R)umpy ATTAIN TT in AA + IN
25 (H)a(N)dicraft CALCITE CAL + CITE
27 (I)n(A)ctive SONAR ’S + ON + A + (doo)R
28 (N)a(T)ural SENNET (TENNERS − R) <
30 (G)r(A)in UNHATS (UN HAS) around T
31 (H)e(L)lish RUNT TURN *
33 (E)p(I)cure ROAST ROT around AS
34 (R)e(A)ch OASTS (c)OASTS
36 (H)o(O)ky ESILE E(N)SILE
37 (A)t(T)endants POAS SOAP with outer letters transposed
38 (I)n(T)rusions ACHE ACE around H (Planck’s constant)
39 (R)e(O)ccurring DRAT DR + A + T
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