Language Balancing by Schadenfreude

Puzzle explanation

Letters added to empty cells spell MALTESE CROSS, reading clockwise. Items removed from clues give its definition from The Chambers Dictionary, “mechanism providing intermittent frame-by-frame movement in a motion picture film projector”. Deletions from clues are shown in the table below.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Deletion Answer Explanation
1 (me) ALDIS LAMP (LAM + P) after DIAL’S *
7 (C)live EBRO BE < + R + O
10 s(h)un SHAMERS SH + AMER + S
12 go(a)d ANUBIS (NUB + IS) after A
13 sho(n)e DAUTIE D + AU + TIE
14 (is) NYNORSK N + Y + N + OR + S(lic)K
16 (m)asters STRESS S + ASTERS * − A
18 (p)rays SPINES P in SINE + ’S
19 sho(r)t SHOOTIST (HOOT + IS) in ST
22 B(o)unty COMIC (I + C) after COM.
25 sla(v)e SALEM SLAE * + M
29 wa(i)ter SEACOAST EA in (A SCOT’S) *
31 (D)evils CURSES CURS + E + S
35 (in) OFFPUT O + FF + PUT
36 sun(g) ISAGOGE S after I + AGOGE
37 (in) OFFIES OF + FIE + S
38 (term) ODIOUS OD + I + OU’S
39 (It) MALATES MAL + ATE + (fearles)S
40 (tent) HIDE Two definitions
41 (frame) SINLESSLY (LENS + IS) * + SLY
1 (b)an ASANAS A + S + AN + AS
2 hill(y) DAUNT A in DUN + T
3 i(f) IMBOSOM I + M + BOOMS *
4 rule(r) SIRS IS < + R + (hi)S
5 Morm(a)’s ARKS M from MARK’S
6 (me) PATINA PAT + IN + A
7 (move) ENURNS NURSE * about N
8 (men) BETEEM BE + MEET <
9 (tin) ODESSA DOES * + S(c)A(n)
11 se(a)ts LISLES L + ISLES [verb]
15 Sa(m) SAICS (SA + IS) about C
17 so(o)n HOWFFS (W + F) in HOF + S
20 learn(t) SEE SEED − D
21 sav(i)ours TSARS T(hank) + SARS
23 r(o)ad CUFFED CU + F + DEF <; rad = excellent = def
24 (n)umbered ISSUES (MISSES − M) about U(mbered)
26 (picture) LOGGIAS (I in (G + AS)) after LOG
27 of(f) SCOOSH O’ in (S + COSH)
28 Pl(i)ant ORPINE OR + PINE
30 s(l)eek TRESSY ESS in TRY
32 (m)ace SIAN SIN [seven deadly] about A
33 (project) CADE Hidden reversed
34 (or) ROOTS STOOR <
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