Misprints from five sets of four clues spelt DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID. Between each of these sets, the corrections for the remaining clues spelt CYTOSINE, GUANINE, THYMINE and ADENINE, the four base nucleotides of DNA. The letters DNA appear in the centre of the grid enclosed by two curves depicting the projection of a double helix. These curves trace the names Wilkins, Watson, Franklin and Crick, the quartet credited with the seminal discovery of this structure. The title is a cryptic indication of DNA (AND (gate) backwards).
Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal
No | Misprints | Answer | Explanation |
Across | |||
1 | D: Co(V)ers | STROWS | S(preadshee)T + ROWS |
6 | E: (L)ast | AFTMOST | SOFT MAT * |
11 | O: capit(A)l | HONIARA | (A + RA + I’ + NOH) < |
13 | X: ne(A)t | RIATA | AIR < + TA |
14 | (C)onger | SEA EEL | SEAL about E(ngin)E |
15 | stor(Y) | ANANIAS | I in ANANAS; “story” as in lie |
17 | (T)extiles | NINONS | Last letters |
18 | (O)xbridge | RAG WEEK | EAGER * about W + K |
21 | li(S)t | UNROLL | (SUN + ROLLS (Royce)) – SS; the subtraction suggests getting out of ship |
23 | t(I)nt | AENEOUS | AE + NOUS about E |
24 | (N)ymph | MAELID | MALE * + ID |
26 | l(E)an | ASLOPE | A + P in SLOE |
29 | Y: bra(S)s | TUTENAG | TUTE(e) + NAG |
32 | R: Dec(A)y | WET ROT | W + E + TROT |
37 | I: p(O)pes | AARONIC | OCARINA * |
39 | B: (D)ally | COQUET | CROQUET – R |
42 | Lar(G)e | ARAL SEA | ALS [also] in AREA |
43 | sn(U)g | INTIME | Two definitions, one leading to IN TIME |
44 | c(A)y | LARGO | LA [ah] + R + GO; reference Key Largo |
45 | ta(N)k | DRACONE | CARD. < + ONE [cardinal number] |
46 | squ(I)re | DEMESNE | (N + SEEMED) * |
47 | pu(N)cheons | SKEANS | SNAKES * |
Down | |||
1 | Rattl(E) | SISTRUM | SI + STRUM |
2 | O: Cr(E)on | THEBAN | THEN about BA |
3 | N: Ba(Y) | ROAN | Two definitions |
4 | U: pa(S)ses | ONE-TWO | O(bvious) + W/O after NET [verb] |
5 | C: A(V)e | SALVE | SAVE about L |
6 | (T)oddy | ARAK | KARA < |
7 | (H)ealth | TRAIK | T + RAIK |
8 | arm(Y) | MINNIE | NI in MINE |
9 | Co(M)ic | STAND-UP | Two definitions, one leading to STAND UP |
10 | su(I)t | TASSE | TASTE, second T to S |
12 | (N)ame | ANNIE | ANNEX, IE for EX |
16 | pât(É) | DELI | (I + LED) < |
19 | L: Poo(H) | KANGA | Two definitions, one referring to a character in Winnie-the-Pooh |
20 | E: s(U)gar | GOOR | G(rouch)O + O + (ciga)R |
22 | I: N(E)t | RETE | Letters in (prime) places 2, 3, 5 and 7 in TREATMENT |
25 | C: (M)orns | AURORAE | (EAR + OR) < after AU |
27 | (A)rid | SERE | S + HERE – H |
28 | en(D)uring | ETCHERS | ET + C + HEIRS – I |
30 | Ble(E)d | EMULGE | LEGUME * |
31 | do(N)e | ACTED | A + C + TED |
33 | l(I)ke | TOETOE | TO + E + TO + E |
34 | ru(N) | OILMEN | OIL + MEN |
35 | Po(E)t | SCALD | SC. + ALD |
36 | A: d(O)sh | PESOS | PE + SOS |
38 | C: (N)ame | ALIAS | À + LIAS |
40 | I: d(O)ne | RARE | RE about (A + R) |
41 | D: bar(K) | KINA | KIN + A |