The letter groups were: [C,H,I,J,M], [D,A,S], [E,B,P,X], [F,K,N,R,T,U,Z] and [G,L,O,Q,V,W,Y]. The answer to the question was “(a) tall building, with a tower and bells” (George Crabbe The Borough (1810)). Columns three to seven contained the first ten changes (of Reverse St Bartholomew Doubles) and columns nine to 13 followed with ten changes (of Bampton Place Doubles) ending in “rounds” GFEDC. This gave a cycle of twenty different permutations in which the lightest bell G followed a regular “plain hunt” pattern, which was to be highlighted.
In addition to the intended answer CHURCH (under the grid), it was decided to accept CAMPANILE, BELL TOWER and BELFRY, although the feasibility of any one of those allowed the other two, thereby making the answer non-unique. Further, the definition in The Chambers Dictionary of campanile, which is the nearest to the unclued grid elements, differs in not having the word “with” before “a (bell) tower”: a campanile is a tower in itself. There is a strong argument that “A with B” cannot equal “B”, but solvers were given the benefit of the doubt; most of those reaching such an answer will have achieved a correct grid without the aid of the quotation, which is a more difficult task.
No | Answer | Explanation |
Across | ||
1 | TINGE | TIN + EG < |
5 | HARM | H + ARM |
8 | GRAPLE | L in GRAPE |
13 | SENEGA | (A + GÊNE + S) < |
16 | KOBAN | Hidden |
17 | WREN | Two definitions |
18 | DOILT | DOLT about I |
19 | JELABS | JES(s) about LAB |
20 | BEATH | E in BATH |
21 | JUMBAL | M in JUBA + L |
23 | BEDE | Two definitions |
24 | ROZIT | RIT about OZ |
26 | DELLA | (A + L + LED) < |
28 | REAME | RE + A + ME |
31 | OUCHT | TOUCH, T to end |
33 | OBOE | Alternate letters |
34 | HAVERS | Two definitions |
36 | CODEX | CODE + X |
37 | ORIGAN | I GROAN * |
38 | BURGH | (H + GRUB) < |
39 | BALL | Two definitions |
40 | HOISE | HOSE about I’ |
41 | FEISTY | FEIS + YT < |
42 | HOLIST | HOLI + ST |
43 | BOLT | Two definitions |
44 | PACHA | CHA after PA |
Down | ||
2 | JEZEBEL | BEZ < in JEEL |
4 | XYSTI | SIXTY * |
6 | AMMO | (m)AMMO(n) |
9 | FLEES | FLEETS – T |
10 | ABODE | A + BODE |
11 | BAAL | BA(n)AL |
14 | TEXAS | TEAS about X |
15 | HUTCH | HUT + CH |
22 | HOG-PLUM | PLOUGH * + M(arl) |
25 | OTTER | (r)OTTER |
27 | WEEDS | WEE + B(uilding)S |
29 | MAGIC | GI in MAC(kintosh) |
30 | BLADS | Alternate letters |
32 | SWIPE | S + WIPE |
33 | LAPIS | PAILS * |
34 | CHOW | Two definitions |
35 | TROW | T’ + ROW |