Quads by Shark

Puzzle explanation

The initial grid fill is shown here. Instructions from paired clues were “turn NW quadrant to SE” (contents of the NW block are inverted to replace contents of the SE quadrant), “fill with original entries’ initials” (the NW quadrant is refilled with the original letters from the grid’s 36 starting cells), and “anagram same eight letters”. Extra words gave “successive letters from original paired clues”; taking the first letter of the first such clue, the second letter of the second, etc, provided the first 35 letters to refill the NW quadrant, in order. As the 36th clue had only 35 letters, the 36th refill letter had to be deduced as K, the only unused starting-cell letter. Finally, the eight letters unchanged in the NW and SE quadrants formed ACADEMIA.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra/switched word (paired clue) Answer Explanation
1 successive ALLEMANDE (MAN + D) in ALLÉE
10 ailment → tipple (16ac) NOG NO + G
12 nephew → Rex (5dn) MIAUL I in MAUL
13 letters SADDENS ADD in SEN + S
14 timber → now (2dn) AGO (w)AGO(n)
15 Tongan → uncultivated (29dn) MOOR MO(t)OR
16 tipple → ailment (10ac) ICTERUS (indulg)E in CITRUS *
18 express → alimentary (22dn) ILEAL IL + EA + L
20 sell → trader (24ac) LADED ED after LAD
21 looseness → thinness (36ac) RARITY RAY around RIT
23 from URESIS URE + SIS
24 trader → sell (20ac) DENET DENNET − N
26 monarch → folk (19dn) CHOIR (E)CHO IR(ishness)
28 incline → looters (30ac) DAKOITS SKODA * around IT
30 Looters → Incline (28ac) LEAN L + EAN
32 elephant → tree (1dn) ITA (t)ITA(n)
33 extended → raised (3dn) STAIRED (IS TRADE) *
34 ruler → indeed (31dn) EEVEN NÉVÉ < around E
35 toothache → nursemaid (25dn) AIA AIL − L + A
36 thinness → looseness (21dn) SQUITTERS S(craping) + QUITTERS
1 tree → elephant (32ac) ANIMAL MAL(e) after ANI
2 now → timber (14ac) LOBO LOB + O(K)
3 raised → extended (33ac) ÉCARTÉS CREATES *
4 Roman → Spanish (11dn) MADRID MA + DRUID − U
5 Rex → nephew (12ac) NIECE N + (p)IECE
6 sublime → tart (8dn) EISEL EEL around IS
7 attractive → atmospheric (9dn) HAAR HANGAR − NG
8 tart → sublime (6dn) AUGUSTER R(etaliated) after AUGUSTE
9 atmospheric → attractive (7dn) GLOSSY LOGS * + SY
11 Spanish → Roman (4dn) EDILES (ID in SELE) <
13 hosiery → mould (23dn) SODDED (G)ODDES(s) * + D
17 technojunkies → stories (27dn) NARRATED (ERR + N + DATA) *
19 folk → monarch (26ac) KINGED KIN + (a)GED
21 original RAISIN RAI + SIN
22 alimentary → express (18ac) REFLECT R + ELECT around F
23 mould → hosiery (13dn) UNDIES UN + DIES
24 paired DRY ROT DR + TORY <
25 nursemaid → toothache (35ac) TONGAS TO + N + GAS
26 clues COSES CLOSES − L
27 stories → technojunkies (17dn) OTAKU (AK + U) after OT
29 uncultivated → Tongan (15ac) KAVA KA(y) + VA
31 indeed → ruler (34ac) AMIR (g)AM(e) + (b)IR(d)
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