Fruitful Recipe by Dipper

Puzzle explanation

The first letters of extra words in clues spelt the final words of Profitable Instructions for the Manuring, Sowing (and) Planting of Kitchen Gardens by Richard Gardiner, published in 1599. The grid included “Sowe carrets”, the beginning of a quotation from the book, listed in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Extra word Answer Explanation
1 Motherwell SCRAICH (CRA(m) + I) in SCH
7 addiction HEAR H + EAR
9 native TOON TOO + (rowa)N
10 Unstructured CONCERTI ONCE in (C + R + TI)
11 reviewing TERRACES ER in TRACES
12 ices AKEES (SEEK + A) <
13 National BLANCH BLEACH with (m)AN for central letters
14 ghost PALACE LA in PACE
16 shrubbery RETAMA ARE * around TAM(e)
19 overproducing TOMCATS TO + MC + ATS
21 Wessex TAR TA + R(eservists)
22 idle COB C + OB
23 neighbouring BYREMAN B(rittan)Y + RE + MAN
25 go HOO-HAH HO + (g)O + HA(lt) + H(op)
26 protects ARBUTE BUT in ARE(g)
28 large ALLOWS ALL + OWES − E
29 analyst GENIE GEN + IE
31 noxious PIRARUCU (CURARI in UP) <
32 Tenant’s MISE SEMI *
33 injures EMYS EM(r)YS
34 naval OHM’S LAW O’ + HMS + FLAW − F
1 glorify STOA (Athen)S TO A(gamemnon)
2 Orlando COCKATOO CO(o)K around C + A + T(esting) O(bservations) + O’
3 felt ROWEL R(ode)O + LEW <
4 kedgeree ICES (k)I(t)C(h)E(n)S
5 isn’t CORNEA CONE around R(etina) + (retin)A
6 test SCALES CAL(ico) in SES(h)
7 caring HECATOMB HE + CAT + O + MB
8 Hands E RE NATA (T(h)E + ARENA) *
15 exclusively AMPHORAS AM + PHAS(e) around OR
17 nibbling MANTISSA SA after MANTIS
18 geological SCHAPPE (SC + A + PPE) around H
20 asparagus OBOLARY LOBO < + ARY
23 revised BAWDRY B + AWDRY (creator of Thomas the Tank Engine)
24 dropouts RAUNCH U in RANCH
27 either UNTIL U(xbridge) + NIL around (Too)T(ing)
29 nebulous GEUM (lar)GE UM(bels)
30 stagnant ENEW (SEA WHEN) * − HAS *
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