In Clue Order, On and On by Loda

Puzzle explanation

All messages which follow are to be read in clue order. Misprints in down clues spelt “Advance the across misprints by six”. Moving by six alphabetical places (A=1,27, B=2,28 etc) yielded “read the clues’ end letters” which in turn led to “add down cap and answer end”. Adding numerical values of the first letter of the clue to the last of its answer then gave “DONEE RAGE shows unchecked letters” allowing completion of the unclued top and bottom rows and the central cell’s G. The message revealed in the top and bottom rows “See odd answers / centres to draw” then drew attention to the middle letters of all the entries of odd length. These spelt “Sign for infinity” and thus the standard infinity sign had to be drawn by solvers through these fifteen letters, the concept perhaps reflecting the seemingly long process required to reach the solution. (The precise typography for the sign is slightly unsymmetrical and solutions that reflected this were, of course, judged to be correct.)

Clue explanations

Conventions: * = anagram, < = reversal

No Correction Answer Explanation
10 (L)ives NILGAI AILING *
11 “Grav(Y)” TRAINS RATS IN *
12 st(U)ff UPAS UP + AS
15 fo(X) CHASSEUR (CRUISE – I) * about (H + AS)
17 sto(N)es ONAGER (GEAR + NO) *
18 (B)ig EWER (s)EWE(r) + R
20 (Y)ear SORREL SO + (L + ERR) <
23 (W)ash BASIN BRAINS * – R(hetoric)
25 hoo(F)ed ORIBI OR + IB + I
26 (O)ak TREE TRÈ(s) + E
28 da(Y)’s FIESTA F + (IS + TEA) *
29 (M)edic EXTERN EX(odus) + TERN
36 S(H)ot INNER WINNER – W (with)
39 bo(X)er YAFFS FF in (Y + (se)AS(on))
40 (F)ull TRISTE (wen)T + SIR < + T(h)E
41 Hand(Y) CUFF Two definitions, “near to hand”
43 Mai(N)e SAITHE IS A * + THE
48 Gre(Y) EARL PEARL – P; reference Earl Grey, ex-PM after whom tea was named
49 (L)ot RACIER (I + CAR) < + (t)E(st) + R
50 ho(M)e IGUANA I + GUYANA – Y (150)
1 p(A)rt SNUG GUN < after S(ip)
2 (D)ash ELAN ELAN(d)
3 li(V)e DANGER AND * + GER(m)
4 b(A)le DICE Hidden; word for set of dice
5 pai(N) ATHROB (b)ATHROB(e)
6 (C)ruise SASHAY SAY about ASH
7 h(E)p WISEST (I + W) < + first letters
8 wa(T)er ENEW (WE + (e)N(t)E(r)) <
9 (H)oe SERR Anagram of last letters
13 br(E)ad POORI PO + OR + I
14 sp(A)ce SAROS O in SARS
16 (C)overs AMBIENT (pos)T after BEAM IN *
19 fai(R) ENE ERNE – R
20 m(O)sque’s SOFTA SO + F + TA
21 na(S)ty REEK REE + INK – IN
22 ha(S) LIAISES (SAILS + E + I) *
24 (M)ake FENCE (Xtia)N in (FE + CE)
30 (S)ound TRITE (((z)IT after R) + E(ric)) after T
31 (P)rice RATER (T(amworth) + REAR) *
33 f(R)y AYU (l)AY-U(p)
34 w(I)n EFFECT (FEET + C(lif)F) *
35 concer(N) AFFAIR FAIR after AF
37 hoo(T)ers NOSERS (SO + first letters) *
38 (S)weet ERINGO Hidden
41 (B)east CROC CROC(k)
42 penn(Y) FLAN F + LAN(k)
44 pa(S)sage ADIT AD + (Tah)IT(ian)
45 m(I)st HAAR HAZARD – Z – D
46 Lyn(X)’s CLAW CLAM, W for M
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